1 - Laboratory of Limnology and Ecology
This laboratory consists of rooms for biotic and abiotic analyses (380m²). There is a central laboratory room and others for microscopy, biological collections, preparation, deposit of field equipment, including boat, rooms for water distillation, preparation of reagents and experimental incubations. There are also three teachers’ offices, a computer room, and a room for the three higher-level technicians in education (they have masters’ degrees, and two of them are taking a Ph.D.). Researches on macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates, phytofauna, phytoplankton, periphyton and waterbirds are developed. It is mainly equipped with: pHmeters; magnetic stirrers with heating; freezers; 1 ultra-freezer -80 °C; 3 analytical balances of different precisions; B.O.D greenhouses; incubator with shaking; 4 microscopes, one with image capture system; water distillers; deionizer; NKjedhal distiller; 40 sample of digester block; plate heater; multiparameter water quality probes; water sampling bottles; phyto and zooplankton networks; UV-Visible spectrophotometer; spectrofluorometer; freeze dryer for solid and liquid samples, HPLC for liquid samples, and gaseous chromatography for greenhouse gases. It also counts on a new laboratory for practical classes in teaching, fully equipped for experimental classes in limnology and aquatic ecology, with 50 m² of area.
2 - Laboratory of Waterbirds
As part of the Ecology sector, this laboratory has infrastructure and equipment for field work such as binoculars, telescope, GPS, professional microphone and recorder, photo and video cameras, rangefinder, capture networks. It also has appropriate structure for data analysis and laboratory samples (freeze dryer, microbalances, soxhlet) including the sample preparation for analysis of stable isotopes of C and N and data processing from the tracking of animals with satellite telemetry, geolocators, accelerometers and radio transmitters. Moreover, there is a scientific collection of birds, unique in Brazil in terms of continental, water, plains, coastal and marine birds.
3 - Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Biology
This laboratory develops researches on cytogenetics and molecular biology (conventional cytogenetics, chromosomal banding, culture of microorganisms, extraction of DNA and RNA for subsequent molecular studies, such as PCR and sequencing, Southern blot and gene cloning, preservation and packaging of biological material - tissues and DNA) for the inference of evolutionary micro and macro patterns and processes, with ecological implications. It is equipped mainly with a 4000 RPM centrifuge; 30000 RPM refrigerated microcentrifuge; microscopes (1000x); 1000X fluorescence microscope and 12.8 Megapixel image capture system; 2 greenhouses; 2 stereomicroscopes; autoclave; a horizontal laminar flow table; 2 freezers; refrigerator; 2 thermocyclers; two sources of electrophoresis; two UV transilluminators; BioDrop for quantification of extracted DNA and for a quality measurement. Since the end of 2016, besides the laboratory of 50 m², there is a new annexed room of 40 m², where two Ph.D. technicians work. This area is further complemented by a teaching laboratory of 50 m² and two living rooms for teachers and students, each one with 12 m².
4 - Botany Laboratory Set
Opened in 2011, this laboratory it has 375 m²with 4 laboratories. It also has an acclimatized herbarium with a preparation room, where the necessary bibliography is stored for the identification of the species. It is equipped for microscopy (loupes and microscopes). Physiology tests are made involving photosynthesis, germination and growth of aquatic macrophytes, in a space equipped with light measurer, pH, electronic balances, greenhouses and germinators with controlled temperature and photoperiod. There is also a collection of cryptogams and apparatus for the study and research of inferior vegetables for culture (autoclave, greenhouses, refrigerators, laminar flow chamber). The new laboratories are equipped for research in Floristics, Plant Physiology, Germination and Microalgae - morphology, anatomy, physiology and systematics. To complement the area, there are three teaching laboratories (140 m²), two teachers’ offices (30 m²) and a room for students (14 m²). The laboratory has the support of 3 higher-level technicians in education, one of which already has and another is taking a Ph.D.
5 - Laboratories of Ichthyology
Installed in a total area of 220 m² (156 m² for laboratory and offices and 64 m² for the Fish Collection),this is a set of laboratories which participate in the Long Term Program “Estuary of the Patos Lagoon and adjacent coast”, as well as the “South Development Program” and the Program “PADTC/ RECOS Milenio Institute– Use and Appropriation of Coastal Resources”. In this laboratory, researches with focus on morphology, systematics and fish ecology are developed. Also, it is one of the oldest laboratories in the Program and is totally equipped for field studies and for laboratory fish studies.
6 - Laboratories of Ecology of Microorganism
With an area of 500 m2, this set of laboratories includes rooms for professors and students, computers, and research rooms. It is equipped with computers and printers, microscopes with epifluorescence and phase contrast, two inverted microscopes and phase contrast, three imaging equipment under microscope, two of them with computer, fluorimeters for measuring Chlorophyll a, visible spectrophotometer and UV, scintillometer, precision scales, incubators, greenhouses, autoclaves. It also has a collection of strains of live algae kept in an area of 60 m². In this laboratory set, researches are developed in the area of morphology, anatomy, physiology and systematics of microalgae, extraction of phycotoxins, effects of pollutants and potential of degradation of pollutants by microalgae. The laboratory has a Ph.D. technician since 2015.
8 - Laboratory of Ectothermal Vertebrates
With an area of 32m², this laboratory is equipped with a freezer, analog caliper, digital caliper, greenhouse, stereomicroscopes, precision scale, digital camera, chapel, video recorder, echosonogram for medium-sized animals, GPS. It also has a necropsy laboratory of 42m² with freezers. The laboratory has 3 higher-level technicians in education, two of them with doctoral degrees and one with a master’s degree.
9 - Collection Room of Birds, Amphibians and Reptiles
With an area of 42m², this laboratory has a room for the storage of specimens in the dry state (birds) and wet state (amphibians and reptiles), with several shelves and equipment for the refrigeration and dehumidification. The laboratory has 3 higher-level technicians in education, two of them with doctoral degrees and one with a master’s degree.
10 - Laboratory of Biology of Parasites of Aquatic Organisms
With an area of approximately 40m², this laboratory is divided into two rooms: one for sorting material and another for studying. It is equipped with 3 microscopes, one of which has a clear camera; three stereoscope microscopes; freezer; refrigerator; greenhouse; BOD; three photo cameras, three computers, one notebook; collecting material that includes electric fishing, portable GPS and nets. It also has a stock room of reagents and another for humid collection, each with 5m². Moreover, there is a helminthological collection with about 25 thousand specimens (laminaria).
11 - Laboratories of Ecotoxicology
With an area of 350 m², this set of laboratories include the laboratories of Determinations, Aquatic Bioassays, Cytology, Radioisotopes, in vivo Bioassays, Toxicology, Natural Products and Molecular Biology. Among the equipment are gamma and beta counters, fluorimeter, speed-vac, ultra-freezers (-80ºC), ELISA and EIA reader, low pressure liquid chromatograph, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Milli-Q water distiller, flame photometer (Na + (Including refrigerated), baths with constant temperature for isolated organ, electrophoresis equipment, tissue homogenizer, autoclaves, vacuum chambers, oxygen therapy equipment, oxygen therapy equipment. There is an acclimatized facility for aquatic animals with photoperiod and temperature controlled and also tanks for the maintenance of animals. For practical classes, it has three laboratories (150m²) and a room for classes and seminars (50m²). The remaining area of 60m² has 3 student rooms, a computing room (20m²) and 8 teachers’ offices (100m²), as well as a washing and storing place. The sector has 9 qualified technicians to support research and teaching. This structure is suitable for toxicological experiments and measurements of pollutants in animals and plants, tissues and cells, as well as analyzes of materials/samples collected in the field.
12 - Laboratory of Animal Histology
This laboratory has 279m² of area (175 m² of research laboratories, 47m² of teachers’ office and 57m² of study rooms and a kitchen). It is equipped with a microscope, including epifluorescence and a 12.8-megapixel high-resolution cool camera, phase contrast microscope and 12.8-megapixel high-resolution cooled camera, 5-megapixel camera magnifier, 2 magnifying glass for collection and dissection, an automatic vacuum tissue processor Leica, a Leica motorized rotary microtome, 3 greenhouses, 2 exhaust hoods, 2 magnetic stirrers, 2 refrigerators, precision digital scale, 9 workbenches, and 6 computers. The laboratory operates with 3 higher-level technicians with master’s degrees, of which 2 are studying for doctorate level.
Another laboratories / Support equipment
Professors and students of the Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments also count on a Photography Laboratory (7m²) and two Microscopy laboratories of the Institute of Biological Sciences. The University has vehicles for field study and an ocean speedboat used in Mirim and Patos Lagoons. The Institute of Biological Sciences has an exclusive 4x4 vehicle for field activities, as well as a diesel-powered generator that automatically turns on when there is a power failure so that there is no interruption of classes or in the use of computers, in experiments, or in the operation of equipment that could lead to loss of samples or analysis.
The Center for Electronic Microscopy of the Southern Zone of the State (CEME-SUL; has two electronic microscopes and is installed in a building located next to the Institute of Biological Sciences. The scanning microscope is used for biological and mineral surfaces, and the transmission is used for ultra-structures analysis. These “supermachines” allow expansions up to 300,000 times on biological and mineral surfaces.
The Integrated Center of Analyzes (CIA-FURG; is equipped for analysis by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Gas Chromatography with detection by Mass Spectrometry already installed and available for use by students and professors. Isotopic Reasoning Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) will be available for stable isotope analysis soon.
Moreover, there is a Subtropical Biodiversity Center under construction to shelter the 20 biological and paleontological collections of FURG University, as well as cell/tissue banks and germplasm, contributing to the research carried out by professors and students of the Graduate Program.