
Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments

The Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments was started as a Master’s Degree in 2006 and as a Doctorate in 2014. Aimed at the qualification of researchers in continental aquatic environments, its origin is marked by the assumption of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) as an institution of higher education concerned with the coastal and oceanic ecosystems. It is important to mention that it relies on a modern approach of ecosystem definition to include the human being and all social-economic and environmental relations.

Research activities carried out in the Program are focused mainly on the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), the southernmost state of Brazil. This is a unique environment in the country, which has among its characteristics a very recent geological formation resulting from Pleistocene and Holocene marine transgressions and regressions. Such coastal plain also has a peculiar geographical position, subject to Subtropical Convergence and to a climate with strong marine influence. These particular macro-environmental features require research to understand the entire mosaic of aquatic landscapes and adjacent continental areas. The coastal plain of RS is 640 km long, from the city of Torres, the State’s northernmost part of the coast, towards the beach of La Coronilla, about 30 km south crossing the border with Uruguay. With 37,000 km², it has 22,740 km² (61%) of emerged lands and 14,260 km² (39%) of continental aquatic systems. This large extension presents two large lagoons (Patos and Mirim) and the largest sequence of Brazilian rosary ponds, parallel to the coastline.


Providing professionals with skills to develop biological studies in continental aquatic environments.


- Developing research that increases knowledge and contributes to the conservation of the biodiversity of the limnic environments.

- Developing research on the effects of human activities in continental aquatic environments.

- Developing studies that support the sustainable use of continental aquatic ecosystems


Coordination and contacts


Rogério Tubino Vianna, Ph.D. (Coordinator)
Adriana Gava, Ph.D. (Assistant Coordinator)
Juliano Zanette, Ph.D.
Marta Marques de Souza, Ph.D.


Leonardo Mello


Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia de Ambientes Aquáticos Continentais (Graduate Program in Biology of Continental Aquatic Environments)
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (Institute of Biological Sciences)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Federal University of Rio Grande) – FURG
Avenida Itália, km8 – Campus Carreiros
Zip Code: 96203-900
City: Rio Grande – RS
Phone/ Fax: +0055 53 3233 6848